November 5, 2009


Since I've been on maternity leave, I haven't thought about work too much (or at least as much as I had thought - thank you great team!). I have thought about what it's going to be like going back to work. How did I feel about going back? What will be the effect on Nora? What will be the effect on me? It doesn't really matter either way because not going back isn't an option (please see adoption and new house:). However, I got my answer yesterday.

There was an inaugural event at my work and despite being on maternity leave, I really wanted to see the event unfold so that I had a sense of what it would be like next year. I went to work for a little bit yesterday and it was so fantastic. It was so nice to catch up with all of my colleagues and to watch an event that benefits children unfold and come to fruition. I left the event feeling really energized and remembered how much I love my job. I'm so glad that I was able to work yesterday and have the piece of mind that, while going back to work will be extremely difficult, it is something that also brings me joy and satisfaction in addition to a paycheck. I have a great job that helps kids and I get to work with truly amazing people. I'm so grateful for that experience yesterday to put my mind and heart at ease.


  1. So glad you got that reminder, and how fabulous that you have a job you love and feel passionate about! I don't know too many people who can say that and mean it these days...


  2. I'm sure that it will be difficult to leave Nora when you return to work, but it is really great that you enjoy what you do outside of the home. I can say the same thing. We're lucky to be able to say that, especially when there isn't any other option but to be a working mom. That's great that you're feeling good about going back to your workplace.

  3. I love reading your story and glad I am not alone in enjoying my career. It will be hard to leave the baby when the time comes and it will be an adjustment but I really to enjoy my work and the people.
