February 20, 2010

Back to Normal

My event is over and it was great, but I am done. Waking up at 3 am for 3 days straight and working 16 hour days on my feet has killed me. My feet look like I've backpacked up Everest but I'm happy to say it was a great success and now my life can return to normal.

I haven't seen Nora for three days since I was gone before she got up and got home after she was put to bed. She seems so much bigger and more alert. Her movements seem more fluid and she seems so much more alert and so much less newborn-like. I don't know if it's possible for a baby to change that much in three days but it seems like she's grown so much.

I'm looking forward to a lot of snow this weekend and staying in with my beautiful little baby girl. I'm so glad she's healthy and happy and I'm so grateful for her this weekend.


  1. Glad you got through your tough week. Your reward is what I hope is a relaxing and wonderful weekend for you!

  2. So glad to hear the tough week is over...enjoy your lovely weekend with your baby girl! I hope you guys get a ton of snow and can stay in your jammies all weekend!

    I love the nursery picture below-very cute!

  3. Glad to hear your event was a success!...Enjoy hanging out with your little one this weekend. :o)

  4. Don't you just love reunions with the baby after time apart? Glad the event was a success and things can quiet down a bit now :)

    And I totally agree, kids can change SO MUCH in a matter of days.

  5. I do think they can change that much in only three days, especially to the mommy who's acutely aware of her baby!! :)

    I've given you a blog award, check it out!


  6. Contrats on finishing your event! Hope you had a nice relaxing weekend.

  7. Congrats on a successful event and welcome back!

  8. Congrats on making it through a grueling event!

  9. Hey Jen...we changed our blog to "private"...I'd like to send you an invite, but don't have an email for you.

  10. BTW, on the foot front, I highly recommend Nail Day at 1746 Blake :)
