August 26, 2009

The Wheels Are Coming Off the Wagon

I'm a complete wreck right now. I was trying to think of a nicer way to say that but, really, why mince words? I feel like I'm about to go on a really long vacation and I'm not able to concentrate on the amazing trip or the beach yet because I have to slog through all the prep work to get out of town.

I'm slowly coming to realize that bambino is coming to join us and I'm getting excited but I'm also so overwhelmed by this crazy new deadline to finish work on the house and get necessary baby items and wrap-up and pass off projects at work.

Luckily, my friends and family are amazing and have been giving me many items that they no longer use. I'm also very stressed about finishing up my professional work. I have a great team who will be phenomenal while I'm out but I hate leaving them with so much to do and to cover. My leave is also coinciding perfectly with budget and planning which leaves me frantic under normal circumstances and a complete disaster at present. I know it will all get done and after a bath and a glass of wine I'm sure I'll have a new perspective but for right now there aren't enough hours in the day.

On a positive note- we'll be able to knock out a lot of our home projects over Labor Day weekend and we then get to see K and J again on September 8 which makes me very happy. We also have planned a little getaway in September. Just thinking about leaving town already makes me feel better!


  1. Hang in there Jen! I'm praying for you!

  2. Everything will come together. And if it doesn't, who cares?! You have bambino coming to stay :)

  3. Craziness! Deep breath...things may not always go quite 'as planned', but they have a way of working themselves out! :)

  4. Just try to keep breathing and focus on one task at a time! It will all get done, and when it does, what joy awaits you!!


  5. Don't you think one of your colleagues kind of *owes you* for her 2 maternity leaves on your watch? ;)

  6. Each day brings you closer to your little bambino...and the current craziness will be history. And then onto a different kind of craziness, but a welcome one;) We've planned a little getaway in September too!

  7. Enjoy that bath and wine!

    BTW, I just left a comment on GeoChick's explaining ICLW.

    Happy weekend!

  8. Thanks for all the supportive posts. I think I just needed a quick mental breakdown before moving on to more positive territory.
